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You Have Moved Mountains

You Can Move Mountains does NOT acknowledge what you have already accomplished.

I have learned not to be fond of the phrase "you can move mountains." This simple sentence used to empower people has this hidden backhand. It all lies with the word can. Can doesn't acknowledge what you have already accomplished. The word can suggests that up until this point, you have not been working hard, and there is a chance you won't.

I came to this conclusion in August of 2021. I was having difficulty with my mental wellness and will to live. To help negate that, a lovely friend invited me to paint a rock near Heart River. We wrote "You can move mountains" and crossed out the word can. This symbolized that you already move mountains with every step you take.

Like the butterfly effect ("The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil sets off a tornado in Texas"), each step we take makes a difference and changes our surroundings. Maybe you have moved mountains shoe print by shoe print as you made a trail, or perhaps you took equipment and made severe and swift intentional changes to that mountain.

When I began to change "You Can Move Mountains" to "You Move Mountains" or "You Have Moved Mountains," it allowed me to reflect on the accomplishments I have made as well as the lessons I have learned.

You move mountains, every step you have taken has the potential to change your surroundings.

It is essential to reflect on who we are and how we affect our surroundings. Each day we should try to grow. Sometimes the growth is difficult to see. Take time to reflect on your growth, and the view changes each month, every three months, six months or a year. When we constantly look towards the future and our current surroundings, we forget where we started.


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