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The Reality of Self-Care

Maybe you are like lots of us and think that self-care seems silly, but when we try, realize that we have no clue where to start.

I am sorry to burst your bubble but self-care isn't always drinking a cup of tea or putting on a face mask drinking a glass of wine. Unfortunately, you may find that self-care can be very difficult, and something you will try to avoid doing.

Self-care is defined as actions we take to improve our overall well being, particularly after periods of stress.

Examples of self care include:

  • Drinking 8 cups of water a day

  • Exercising

  • Not engaging in a conversation if you are not in the right place to do so.

  • Meal planning and following through

  • Completing assignments before having fun

  • Getting a healthy amount of sleep

  • Seeing a counsellor/ therapist

  • Not buying treats so you can save money

  • Confronting uncomfortable feelings

  • Ending an unhealthy relationship

  • Cleaning

  • Reading a book

  • Take a look at your life, if there is something you are not happy about, you need to take the steps to fix the issue

  • Creating boundaries

  • Create a social media atmosphere that helps you grow and flourish, this may mean unfollowing,/unfriending/ un-liking on different media platforms

"Self-care has been defined as the process of taking care of oneself with behaviours that promote health and active management of illness when it occurs. Individuals engage in some form of self-care daily with food choices, exercise, sleep, and dental care. While the concept of self care has received increased attention in recent years, it has ancient origins. Socrates has been credited with founding the self-care movement in ancient Greece, and care are of oneself and loved ones has been shown to exist since human beings appeared on earth. Self-care remains a primary form of healthcare worldwide." (Wikipedia)


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