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Personal Safety and Maintenance plans

Personal Maintenance Plan

Develop Your Preventative Maintenance Plan

A "maintenance self-care plan" refers to the activities you have identified as essential to your well-being and that you have committed to regularly engaging in to take care of yourself.

Like owning a car, If you want it to run correctly, you have to give it the right fuel, clean it, take it to the mechanics etc. By doing this, you minimize the chances of your car breaking down.


1- How do you cope now?

  • What do you do now to manage stress in your life?

  • Is it easy, cheap, safe and realistic?

2- What would you like to do?

  • Make a note of the items that you would like to add (or add more of) to your self-care toolbox.

  • Make sure you have activities that help balance the four aspects of self.

3- Outlining your plan. (next page)

  • In the small circle, write what you already do in the outer circle write what tasks you would like to add.

4- Obstacles to implementation.

  • Challenges to maintaining my self-care strategies?

  • How will I address these barriers and remind myself to practice self-care?

  • Negative coping strategies I would like to use less or not at all that I do use.

5- Commit yourself.

  • Recognize that your health and well-being are essential, acknowledge the importance of honouring yourself and your needs.

  • If you find this a challenge, then take some time to explore your hesitations.

6- Share your intentions.

  • Share your self-care plan with friends and family so you can exchange ideas/strategies and gain support.

7- Be prepared

  • Next, complete the Developing Your Emergency Self-Care Plan.

  • Developing an Emergency Self-Care Plan helps organize your thinking and resources before you face a crisis or feel overwhelmed. It is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

8- Follow your plan.

  • Once you have completed the assessments and worksheet described above, you will have identified the core elements of your Maintenance Self-Care Plan.


Call 911/ get to a hospital if you are considering suicide

It is okay if you stray from this safety plan as long as you remain safe. Your life is your most valuable and versatile gift, the goal of this safety plan is to protect your life as much as we can.

Develop Your Emergency Plan

It is tough to think of what to do for yourself when things get complicated, and it is best to have a plan ready for when you need it.

You need to address these areas - What to do, what to think and what to avoid.

Safety Plan option 1

1-Make a list of what you can do when you are upset that will be good for you.

For example

  • What will help me relax?

  • What do I like to do when I'm in a good mood?

  • What can I do that will help me throughout the day?

2-Make a list of people you can contact (support or distraction.)

For example

  • Who can I call if I am feeling depressed or anxious?

  • Who can I call if I am lonely?

  • Who will come over to be with me if I need company?

  • Who will listen?

  • Who will encourage me to get out of the house and do something fun?

  • Who will remind me to follow my self-care plan?

3- positive things to say to yourself

For example

  • Life's a rollercoaster and the ride has just started

  • I matter, my emotions matter

  • Something is wrong, what do I/my body need?

4- Who and what to avoid when you have a hard time.

For example

  • I should not stay in the house all day.

  • I should not stay in bed all day.

  • I should open the shades and let the light in.

  • I should not listen to sad music.

5-Write this plan on a 3x5 card.

Keep it in your bag/wallet (and on your phone if you can). Look at it often. Add any good ideas to it whenever you can. USE IT!

Safety Plan option 2

Warning signs, (things that happen that let you know that at the moment you are not feeling okay)




Emergency phrase/ keywords, to let others know that you are thinking of hurting yourself/ killing yourself.

Things I’ll do to get my mind off the issues until I can talk to someone




People I can/will reach out to when there is a risk of harm or death

Name __________________________________(PHONE) __________________________

Name __________________________________(PHONE) __________________________

Places I can go/ friends I can see when there is a risk of harm or death





Six Positive phrases I can tell myself when there is a risk of harm or death

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Six People or things that are important to me when there is a risk of harm or death

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Safety Plan option 3

Step 1: Warning signs (thoughts, images, mood, situation, behaviour) that a suicidal behaviour may be developing:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

Step 2: Internal coping strategies – Things I can do to take my mind off my problems without contacting another person (relaxation technique, physical activity):




Step 3: People and social settings that provide distraction:


2 Name________________________________Phone_____________________________

3. Place__________________________________________

4. Place__________________________________________

Step 4: People whom I can ask for help:


2 Name________________________________Phone__________________________


Step 5: Professionals or agencies I can contact during a crisis:

1. Clinician Name_____________________________Phone______________________

Clinician Emergency Contact # _____________________________________________

2.Clinician Name_____________________________Phone______________________

Clinician Emergency Contact # _____________________________________________

3. Local Urgent Care Services__________________________________________________


It is okay if you stray from this safety plan as long as you remain safe. Your life is your most valuable and versatile gift, the goal of this safety plan is to protect your life as much as we can.


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