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Mental Health Band-Aids

These band-aid activities should only be used in periods when accessing your supports is not an option. These activities should be used as temporary supports until person-to-person (professional AND support networks/ friends) conversations are available to provide more personalized activities.

Activity 1

Imagine you are saying all of these negative thoughts to a four-year-old. Would you tell them that they would amount to nothing? Would you tell them that they are a failure? Would you tell them that nobody loves them? Chances are, that these are not things you would do, when you catch yourself falling down that rabbit hole take a step back and start talking to yourself as if you were a four-year-old.

Activity 2

Maybe you are having a few intrusive thoughts and have no clue what to do, take a moment to look at the thought and explain to yourself why it is not a good idea to follow through. If you have thoughts such as " I am not enough" or "I want to die" repeat the opposite aloud (even if it's a whisper) a minimum of three times.

Activity 3

Force yourself to do what makes/made you happy. If you are struggling with your mental wellness take a moment and force yourself to do an activity you once enjoyed for 10 minutes.

Activity 4

If you are struggling with your mental wellness more than usual, take a nap in a safe place. Napping/ a good night's rest is similar to a power cycle on a computer, it helps us begin to process some of our problems and clears your mind so you can begin to address your problems.

Activity 5

Weather permitting, sit or stand (barefoot) in some grass and feel yourself connect back to the earth.

Activity 6

On a paper write down all the good things in your life and thank each one. explore why you are thankful for that item and place the paper somewhere you will see regularly. Each time you think of a new thing you are thankful for, add it to your list.

Activity 7

Do some light volunteer work or donate items.

Activity 8

Look to the future, in an ideal world what would your future look like. start breaking down that future into steps, how can you get there?

Activity 9

Say "F**k you, I am Awesome" or "Go away, I am much better and deserve much better than that" to those negative thoughts that come into your head. it works better if you say this out-loud


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