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Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude means appreciating and focusing the good things in life, no matter how big or small. It is changing our focus from the negative to the positive.

Practicing intentful gratitude as regularly can help to strengthen your connection to happiness, increase self-esteem, and provide other benefits for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. there are many ways to express gratitude and this can include.

Gratitude Journal

At the end of your day, spend a few minutes writing down good things about your day. it doesnèt have to be just large events but can include small details as well, for example noting that you felt grateful about your morning coffee.

Give Thanks

Throughout the day, find reasons to say thank you, and say it. Make an effort to appreciate the people and things in your life. By telling a person that you recognize their good deed, and give a sincere “thank you.” you are helping improve your day and theirs as well.

Mindfulness Walk

Take an intentional walk and make an effort to appreciate your surroundings. You can do this by focusing on each of your senses, one at a time. Spend some time listening, some time looking at surroundings, and so on. Try to notice the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations you would usually ignore, such as a cool breeze on your skin, or the crossing of tree limbs/branches.

Gratitude Letter

Think about someone who you appreciate (writing a letter to yourself is also powerful). Write a letter that describes why you appreciate them, including specific examples and details. It's up to you if you’d like to share the letter or not.


Bring yourself to a room with a reflection without distractions. Make eye contact with yourself in the mirror. This may feel odd and uncomfortable at first but just roll with it. The key is to witness yourself without judgment. Hold eye contact and send yourself love. Have a laugh if you feel like it. None of the feelings you have are wrong. Say empowering affirmations out loud or begin to speak with yourself. Say a fact about yourself that makes you feel good. Speak to yourself as you speak to a friend. After your conversation (2-5 minutes), write an emotion or a statement(s) that you feel after doing this activity.

Morning Gratitute list

In the morning make a list of 3-5 things you are grateful for, expanding on the list each day with new items, these gratitudes can be large or small (ex. I am grateful for my house, the air, my fingers allow me to type, the cat, etc.) the more specific you are the better. Once completed the list read out the full list saying thank you to each individual item.


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