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Recipe: Cattail Rice

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Good health habits start with good food. This low-cost healthy recipe sheds light on traditional cooking.

Number Of Servings: 6 Preparation Time: 10 minutes


1 cup cattail shoots sliced ¼ cup of wild clover chopped 6 cups water 1 tbs soya sauce 1 tbs Worcestershire sauce 1 tbs olive oil 1 tbs smoked paprika 1 tbs lemon pepper 5-10 mushroom caps quartered 1 onion 2 cloves of garlic 3 cups of rice

1. Chop your onion and garlic, placing them at the bottom of the crock pot, 2. add the oil and the cattail with clover 3. cover with water 4. add the remaining ingredients and stir 5. leave your crock pot on low for about 6 hours or until the rice is cooked to your liking.

Personal Notes: Cattails can be a relaxing plant to gather. Raw Cattail has a refreshing cucumber likeness. This recipe can be altered to taste and serves as an affordable meal or carbohydrate to go with your meal.

When gathering plants remember to "Walk by the first seven, leave the eighth for the animals, and you may take the ninth. " "This ensures that enough plants remain to produce seed for the following year and also that all creatures, including insects, will have the food they depend on."

(Hopman, Where to Find High-Quality Herbs, 2020) Hopman, E. E. (2020). Where to Find High-Quality Herbs. In The Sacred Herbs of Spring: Magical, Healing, and Edible Plants to Celebrate Beltaine (pp. 23). Destiny books.

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